Top Lash Extension Aftercare Tips for Ultimate Retention For Clients

Top Lash Extension Aftercare Tips for Ultimate Retention For Clients

"Why am I losing so many eyelash extensions? How do I stop it?"- These are not just queries. They can be a lash technician's nightmare.

After putting all the effort into a gorgeous new set, you want your clients to enjoy the extensions for as long as possible. Yet, several factors can contribute to a reduced lifecycle for the extensions.

As a professional lash artist, you are responsible for some of those factors, while others fall on your clients.

In today's blog, we present the best lash extension aftercare tips to help you protect the longevity of the lashes and ensure your clients get the most use out of their extensions. We discuss what to do before and during the lash application process and what to do as aftercare to protect the product's endurance.

So, continue reading to keep the lashes looking as impressive as ever!

What Is Eyelash Retention?

For professional lash technicians, lash retention refers to an extension between appointments or treatments. Most lash artists take a client-focused approach to eyelash retention. They promote aftercare, adequate cleansing, and brushing.

Nevertheless, the retention rate of one's eyelash extensions can be completely different from another. It can vary depending on several factors, including hormones, seasons, and the growth of your natural lashes.

Your natural lashes go through three life stages that influence the retention rate of extensions. The hair growth cycle includes anagen, telogen and catagen. Telogen is the last stage, where your lashes start to fall out. On average, people lose 3 to 5 eyelashes every day. Often, extensions fall out with the natural lashes.

However, keep in mind that everyone's eyelash cycle is different; hence, every individual's lash retention and extension aftercare routines are also different.

How To Improve Lash Retention For Your Clients?

Finding out why someone's lash extensions are falling out can seem like the biggest mystery. It may make you doubt your application technique and the glue you are using and question your client's routine for aftercare for lashes.

It'll also give your eyelash studio bad press. If your clients struggle to keep their lashes on, you will struggle to retain them. Hence, it's essential to be proactive and take the necessary steps to improve the retention period of your lashes.

To help you, we present a list of effective lash retention tips for clients and lash artists.

So, read on!

Preparation Tips Before The Treatment

1. Cleansing the lashes:

One of the first steps of a lash extension treatment should be thoroughly cleansing your client's natural lashes. This will eliminate all the dirt and oil from the lashes, allowing the adhesive to latch on properly. Cleansing should be necessary before attaching a new set of extensions or lash infill.

Also, ensure natural lashes properly support the base of the extension. If the base sticks up even a little, it can trap in dirt and oil, weakening the bond.


2. Priming the lashes for treatment

Excess oils and proteins on the base of natural lashes can affect the bond between adhesive and extensions. Using a primer can help remove these substances, reduce the drying time for extensions, and ensure the extension stays in place after application.

Additionally, you can use handmade volume fans to strengthen the bond. Simply wrap the fan around the natural lash, ensuring multiple extensions are in contact with the natural lash and glue. Better contact equals a stronger bond.


3. Set the room temperature to the correct humidity

As a professional lash technician, you might know that different eyelash adhesives react distinctly to diverse temperatures and moisture. Most tend to overlook this factor. However, temperature and humidity are crucial in ensuring the glue doesn't undergo shock polymerisation before application.

Shock polymerisation refers to your lash glue drying down too fast. This doesn't give enough time for the adhesive to attach the extension to the natural lashes. Shock polymerisation is an expert in killing retention, and humidity acts as an accessory.

Furthermore, if your room's humidity is higher than the suitable level (around 65%), it can overly activate the glue's main ingredient, cyanoacrylate. The excess moisture will speed up the curing process, and the glue will dry before expiry.

Hence, we recommend using a humidity and temperature meter in your lash room to balance the dampness. Remember to alter the temperature according to the season. Otherwise, it can negatively impact the viscosity of your adhesives.

What To Do During The Treatment

4. For the lash attachment area

In addition to lash extension aftercare, lash placement is another key factor that significantly impacts the product's retention. Be sure to attach enough extensions to the natural lash and pay close attention to the lash attachment area and the natural lash length where you attach the extension.

Experts recommend aiming for 2mm+ of attachment area on the lashes. If the area is too little for the lash to attach, it will likely brush out within a few days. Hence, confirm that you have applied enough extensions to each lash to make it last longer.


5. Pay attention to the angles

The angle at which you attach the lashes can also impact its lifecycle. Ideally, eyelash extensions should sit at a 90-degree angle to the eyelid. It helps ensure they don't clump to other lashes or with each other, forming stickies.

It can reduce the extension's retention period and damage your client's natural lashes. We recommend using tweezers to ensure the extensions are separated. After the treatment, you can run a brush through as a final touch.

Maintaining a consistent angle will improve the lasting power of the lashes while enhancing their appearance.


6. Consider the quantity of glue you are using

If you use too much glue, the aftercare for lashes will annoy your clients. It can make complete sets of extensions messy and result in unsafe stickies.

Again, stickies can be highly harmful to the longevity of lashes.

Alternatively, if the quantity of the glue is too little, it will make it nearly impossible for the extension to attach itself to the natural lashes.

One way to confirm you are using enough glue is to look for a little glue bulb at the end of the extensions during application.


7. Shake the glue before using

A crucial step lash technicians often forget during lash applications is shaking the glue. Shaking the adhesive before using it ensures you pick up on all the glue ingredients. It will combine the ingredients and make the glue more effective for holding the extensions.

Another pointer to keep in mind is that most lash glues only last about 30 days once you open the bottle. Note the date of the glue opening to ensure you are using fresh and effective adhesive.


8. Maintain the quality of the glue

While it's not a part of the application process, maintenance of your eyelash glues significantly affects its effectiveness.

If you don't seal the glue properly, you risk the glue curing before using it, making it unattainable to attach the lash extensions. Hence, consider storing the adhesive in an airtight container in a dark, dry, and cool place.

If you notice the adhesive curing in the bottle's nozzle, clear it to maintain the lid's tightness.


 9. Change the glue dots and isolate the lashes

Try changing the glue dot frequently during the lash application process, for instance, every 15 to 20 minutes. This will ensure the glue doesn't dry out. Also, dip the lash in the glue dot's centre instead of the edge. You can also use a glue sticker to change the dots.

Additionally, ensure you isolate your client's natural lash correctly before applying the extensions. Attaching an extension to more than one lash can lead to permanent lash damage.

After The Treatment

10. Use a superbonder

A small amount of super bonder or lash sealant solution at the root of the extensions can stimulate the glue's curing process. Additionally, it will form a sealant around the extensions to safeguard them against moisture damage.

You can use a micro brush to apply the product, protecting the adhesive and securing the bond between natural lashes and the extension. Also, educate your clients on all the critical details of aftercare eyelash extensions.


Best Lash Extension Glue For Retention

The glue you use is the most prominent factor influencing the lasting power of lash extensions. Before focusing on lash aftercare, determine the glue you want to use.

Pick a glue with the correct drying speed suitable for your lashing style. If you are a new technician, choose a glue with a slower drying time.

It will give you enough time to ensure the accuracy of the lash placement. Once you gain more experience and skill, you can move on to shorter drying glue to make the application process quicker.

However, if your application technique is already considerably quick but you are still using slower-drying glue, it can lead to stickies between the extensions.

On the other hand, if you utilise fast-drying glue for a slower application process, the adhesive will dry before you have time to secure it.

For fast eyelash extension applications, we recommend choosing glues with a drying time of around 1 second. Glues with 1 to 2 seconds of drying time will be ideal for slower placement.


What Exactly Is Lash Aftercare?

When learning how to care for eyelash extensions, one of the most important points you will stumble upon is lash aftercare. Daily lash aftercare routines can vary. However, once the eyelash extensions have fully cured, which takes approximately 8 hours, your client must invest in proper products and maintenance to keep the lashes on for the longest time.

Most of the time, lash technicians offer complete guidelines to clients for the best eyelash retention. For instance, you may advise your clients to avoid getting their lashes wet within the 8-hour window period.

It means not working out, avoiding saunas, steamy showers, and swimming. Your clients must also carefully cleanse their lashes to remove all the debris and dirt that has built up. This will prevent the adhesive from breaking down prematurely.

Below, we provide a brief outline of aftercare eyelash extensions to ensure your clients get the most out of their lashes.


Are Clients Following Aftercare Instructions?

These simple lash retention tips will help clients protect the longevity of their lashes, maintain their appearance, and protect their natural lashes from harsh treatments.

 1. Wash the extensions daily

Regularly washing eyelash extensions is vital for preventing oil, debris, dirt and residue getting stuck to the lashes. Your client may believe their extensions are getting washed during showers.

However, regular soap ingredients can weaken the lashes' bond. Hence, it is essential to take a few minutes to use a suitable lash shampoo and remove the build-up of skincare and makeup products.


 2. Avoid moisture and heat

While the 8-hour window is the ideal timeline for letting the lashes settle in, if possible, suggest your clients avoid any moisture for at least 24 hours after applying the lashes.

Also, it's wise to avoid any product containing oil near your lashes, including mascaras, eyeliners, facial serums, moisturisers, foundation, and other products. When in contact, these products can weaken the adhesive bond.


 3. Brush the extensions regularly

Instruct your clients to gently brush their extensions daily after cleansing and drying as part of their lash extension aftercare. They may use a clean mascara wand to remove debris, dirt, and residue stuck between the lashes. Brushing the extensions before and after waking up from sleep will keep them looking fluffy and natural.


 4. Prevent yourself from touching, rubbing or tugging on the lashes

Lash extensions aftercare is about more than just using the correct cleanser. It's also about reminding your clients not to tug, rub or pick their lashes. Most of us tend to rub our eyes subconsciously many times in the day. Unfortunately, it can result in premature shredding and damaged follicles.


 5. Facials and chemical peels can damage the lashes

It's impossible to check each ingredient of facial products and determine whether they can damage the extensions. Therefore, avoiding using chemical peels and other facials right after the appointment is best.

When your clients decide to get a facial, advise them to pay attention to the product label or ask their aesthetician whether it will impact the lash retention period. Otherwise, inform them to consider scheduling the facial appointments before the next lash appointment.


 6. Curlers and oil-infused makeup is a no-no

As previously mentioned, oil-infused makeup products can severely damage lash extensions. Similar damages can also occur from using lash curlers and water-proof mascaras. Hence, your clients shall look for extension-friendly makeup products. Also, they shall permanently and gently remove their eye makeup and pay attention to the product's ingredients.


 7. Pay attention to your sleeping position

Sleeping on the face or stomach can damage the eyelash extensions and lead to premature lash shedding, wasting your clients' money and maintenance effort. Hence, most experts recommend sleeping on the sides or backs.


 8. Use quality lash products

Lash extension-friendly products will help maintain the effectiveness of the adhesive and the look of the lashes. Hence, as the technician, it's your responsibility to direct your clients toward the best products for their lashes, such as cleansers and lash serums.


9. Fill up the lashes on time

Ideally, your clients should return for fills every 2 to 4 weeks. When their natural lashes shed, the extensions will likely shed with them. Therefore, filling is crucial to maintain an even appearance and comply with guidelines on handling eyelash extensions.

On-time fills will allow your clients' lashes to look thicker and fuller and avoid bald spots due to shedding.


Do Eyelash Extensions Suit The Client?

One of the most crucial questions lash technicians ask before an appointment is whether the extensions suit the client. The answer to this question goes beyond appearance.

Eyelash extensions can be unsuitable for your client if they have

Extremely oily skin

Allergic reactions to lashes or glues

Sensitive eyes prone to redness, swelling, watering and itching

Clients who wear heavy makeup frequently, use oil-based products or are pregnant might not be ideal for extensions as these factors can reduce retention.

Another factor to consider is the state of your client's natural lashes. It will help you pick the lashes' right thickness, length and curl pattern. For instance, if a client has naturally curly lashes, you can easily use C, CC, DD or D lashes.

You may need a separate set of extensions for clients with straight lashes. Also, be cautious when working with clients with weak lashes. In this case, avoid using thick extensions as they can damage the natural lashes.

Lastly, consider the weight and length of the lashes. If the extensions are too heavy, your client's natural lashes will not be able to support the weight.

If you want to learn more about different types of eyelash extensions, check out our complete guide.


Improve Your Clients' Lash Retention with the Lash Line's Professional Lash Products

A number of factors can impact the retention of your clients' lashes, from the quality of the glue to their lash extension aftercare routine.

Thankfully, by following the simple tips above, you can significantly improve the longevity of the extensions and guide your clients toward the correct maintenance methods. It will prevent premature shredding of the lashes and protect the health of your client's natural lashes.

At The Lash Line, we offer an extensive range of professional lash extension products to ensure the best retention of your lashes. Suitable for sensitive eyes and different lash patterns, our glues, bonds, and other accessories are here to help take your lashes to the next level.



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